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How Your Nonprofit Can Utilize Direct Mail to Enhance Your Fundraising Program

November 8, 2023 by FSSI Splash

Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing societal issues and making a positive impact on communities. To continue their valuable work, these organizations often rely on fundraising initiatives. While digital marketing and online donations...

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wizard with mail icons

Programmatic Direct Mail: Direct Marketing Magic

June 15, 2023 by FSSI Splash

What is Programmatic Direct Mail? Programmatic direct mail marketing is an advanced technique that leverages real-time data, automation, and personalization to deliver highly targeted physical mail pieces to potential customers. Unlike traditional direct...

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images of two mortgage postcards

Mortgage Direct Mail: Proven Strategies for Marketing Success

April 25, 2023 by Yolanda Bishop

When you hear the word “direct mail,” do you have a specific mailpiece that comes to mind? Bed, Bath and Beyond (yes), Ikea (yes), ValuPak (yes), local restaurants and businesses (yes and yes). So, why can’t your mortgage direct mail have the same...

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How to Write a Simple and Effective Fundraising Appeals Letter

February 27, 2023 by Yolanda Bishop

What separates a winning fundraising appeals letter from one that fails to produce any donations? Simply, the quality of content within the letter. Of course, there is much more to it than that but without the key elements of an effective appeal letter, it...

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Blog Test – Retesting Copyright Date

January 27, 2023 by Joey Paragas

Added some margin to the footer. Margins match the rest of the template with 30px on left and right side. Copyright year should still be set to the correct year....

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Girl opening and reading a donation letter request

One Direct Mail Strategy Modern Non-Profits Use to Reach More Donors

January 18, 2023 by Yolanda Bishop

Growing your fundraising program may have gotten more difficult in the past few years.Resources may be stretched too thin. The inability to hold in-person events may have slowed momentum. If the path ahead feels uncertain, you are not alone. Focusing your...

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