Expand Your Direct Mail Outreach Online

Traditional Print + Digital Marketing

Image: Video thumbnail of Amplify Direct Mail by Splash

Your Integrated

Did you know that for every $167 spent on direct mail combined with digital outreach, marketers sell $2,095 in goods? If you aren't adding a digital marketing component to your print campaign, you're leaving A LOT on the table.

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An effective direct mail + digital strategy can yield even more than a 12:1 return on investment!

Amplify offers more effective marketing, simplified. For one affordable flat rate per record.

This integrated solution includes 7 exclusive digital technologies that work together to truly revolutionize the way you do direct mail.

How does Amplify maximize
Direct Mail success?

Starting with a single direct mail piece, a savvy digital marketing campaign is built around your print piece to enhance results.

Match List to Facebook and Instagram Accounts

Informed Delivery Email and Ad

Direct Mail Piece

Retarget on Google, Facebook, and Instagram

Identify Web Visitors and get their Mailing

It isn't one and done with a single touchpoint – your offer is amplified across the most popular digital channels including Facebook, Instagram, and the Google Advertising Network.

We don't recommend you try this at home – unless you have a full staff of direct mail and digital marketing experts on standby to orchestrate every detail. We do it all for you.

Image: Splash website on desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone and postcard

Amplify's scalable platform seamlessly integrates the above services, skills and tracking – at a fraction of the cost you would pay to hire your own digital marketing team or work with an independent agency.

Amplify's 7 exclusive digital technologies:

Image: Various social media icons

Deliver targeted social media ads to your mail list by matching each record to their Facebook or Instagram accounts.

We'll match your mailing list to Facebook and Instagram accounts and deliver your ads to those prospects before, during, and after your mailing. That means your prospects can see your message on social media before your direct mail piece even reaches their mailbox!

80% of sales are made between the 8th and the 12th contact.

Increases the likelihood of a response with increased visibility online.

Image: Smartphone with ads and Google icons

Retarget website visitors with Google ads.

Leverage the power of the Google Advertising Network (which consists of MILLIONS of websites!) and follow your website visitors with targeted ads after they leave your site – even if they didn't fill out a web form or make a purchase.

Track online engagement with access to a private dashboard with full analytics, including number of web visitors and ad clicks.

There is a 74% increased chance that website visitors will convert after being retargeted with display ads.

Drive traffic back to your website, increasing the chance of an online conversion or a phone call.

Image: An arm holding magnet inside a smartphone attracting social media icons

Retarget website visitors with Facebook and Instagram ads.

Similar to Online Follow-Up, Social Media Follow-Up retargets website visitors with ads on their Facebook and Instagram feeds. These prospects will see your ads on any device once logged in to their social accounts.

79% of Internet users worldwide are found on Facebook, spending an average of 50 minutes per day browsing their newsfeed.

Re-engage website visitors by reaching them with multiple impressions on their favorite social media feeds.

Image: Hand holding a magnet attracting silhouette of people

Identify website visitors and get their physical address for a follow-up mailing – even if they don't take action on your website.

Now you can know who came to your website – on your list or not!

With LEADMatch and advanced DeviceID Technology, we match your website visitors to physical addresses, tracking and recording EXACTLY who visited your website. Simply purchase and download these new leads in your Amplify dashboard, and you have a built-in audience for your next direct mail campaign.

Grow your prospect list by matching 30-50% your website visitors to physical addresses.

Tailor your message based on the exact actions of these website visitors for a 100% targeted approach.

Image: Smartphone with image of email and mailman icon

Provide your recipients with a digital preview of your direct mailpiece by leveraging the popular USPS digital mailbox – Informed Delivery®.

The recipients on your mailing list who are enrolled in Informed Delivery® get a daily email providing a digital preview of what is in their mailbox. This preview can include a full-color representation of the mailpiece, as well as an ad that links directly to your website or offer landing page.

You'll know how many of the recipients on your mailing list are enrolled in Informed Delivery®, how many open the daily email and preview your mailer, and how many click on your ad.

86% of people who are signed up with Informed Delivery (that's 39 million people!) open their emails every day.

The average email open rate is 70%, so you get immediate traffic before your recipients even check their physical mailbox!

Image: Mailtruck driving in city with a map tracking app open in smartphone

Be prepared with real-time mail tracking - know the projected and actual delivery dates of your mailing.

Track your mail in real time so you can predict and confirm when your mail reaches mailboxes – down to the individual mailpiece! The reporting is synced with Google Maps so you can even see the street view of the delivery location of each recipient.

With 100% visibility, you'll be fully staffed and prepared for incoming calls, online leads, and orders.

Person with headset looking at a screen full of charts and data

Centralize inbound calls with a built-in Amplify campaign phone number – complete with caller information and recordings.

Rather than using a separate service, leveraging Amplify's dedicated, trackable local or toll-free phone number to use on your direct mail makes it easy to measure and analyze the results of your campaign in one location.

Track the effectiveness of your campaign without human error and have full data on WHO is calling in.

Are you ready to

your direct

by 23 - 46%?

Learn how you can easily add digital advertising to your direct mail campaigns in a 100% done for you solution.

Seamlessly track the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign and ensure that no lead is left behind with strategic, continuous online exposure.

Don't let another print campaign go it alone when you can have the power of digital integration to amplify your reach!

Schedule Your Free Demo Today!