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Outsourcing Direct Mail Printing for Nonprofit Marketing Agencies

July 11, 2024 by FSSI Splash

For nonprofit organizations, direct mail is a powerful fundraising tool, but managing the printing, assembly, and mailing process in-house can be a logistical nightmare for your nonprofit fundraising agency. That’s where FSSI Splash comes in. As experts in outsourcing nonprofit direct mail, we take the burden off your team by handling every aspect of your clients’ direct mail campaigns. From secure data processing and variable data printing for nonprofit mailings to intelligent inserting and USPS delivery, our comprehensive services ensure your appeals reach the right donors at the right time.

With our state-of-the-art equipment and deep industry experience, FSSI Splash can help your nonprofit marketing agency maximize donations for your clients while minimizing overhead costs and internal resource strain. Let us be your trusted partner in executing high-impact direct mail strategies that drive your fundraising success.

examples of nonprofit donation request letters produced at Splash

Benefits of Outsourced Direct Mail Production for Nonprofit Fundraising Agencies

By outsourcing these crucial components of your direct mail campaigns, you can focus on your core strength – developing compelling strategies and narratives that connect with your clients’ donors and drive fundraising success. Here are some key benefits of partnering with FSSI Splash for your nonprofit direct mail campaign management:

  1. Access to Expertise and State-of-the-Art Facilities: FSSI Splash boasts a team of experts and cutting-edge printing facilities equipped to handle projects of any complexity, from personalized donor letters to intricate, multi-component mailings. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures that every piece leaves a professional and memorable impression on your clients’ donors.
  2. Direct Mail Fulfillment and Timely Delivery: Once your print materials like postcards, letters, and other direct mailers are ready, FSSI Splash takes over the entire fulfillment process, ensuring that your clients’ campaigns reach the right recipients at the right time. From list management and data processing to sorting and mailing, we handle every step, fostering stronger connections with donors and driving better results.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability: Outsourcing printing and mailing of marketing mailers to FSSI Splash can be a cost-effective solution compared to keeping an in-house team. Our flexible pricing plans and scalable services allow you to choose the customized solution that aligns with your current needs and budget, enabling you to scale up or down as your organization’s situation changes.
  4. Data-Driven Insights and ROI Maximization: FSSI Splash provides valuable data-driven insights and campaign performance analysis, empowering you to refine your clients’ fundraising strategies and ensure that every dollar spent on direct mail fundraising campaigns delivers maximum return on investment.
  5. Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing the printing and mailing aspects, your team can dedicate its time and resources to what truly matters – crafting impactful campaigns that inspire action and support your clients’ missions, fostering lasting relationships with donors.

Advantages of Outsourcing Direct Mail Printing for Nonprofit Marketing Agencies

Print Advantages of Working with an Outsourced Direct Mail Printing Provider like FSSI Splash

Sophisticated Print Capabilities

Complex print requirements are no obstacle for specialized vendors. We are equipped to manage unique needs, such as inline perforations for donation cards, slit nesting for personalized inserts, and advanced personalization techniques. This level of sophistication elevates the donor experience and increases the likelihood of engagement.

Inline Personalization

FSSI Splash uses advanced variable data printing (VDP) technology to personalize each mailpiece with customized text, images, and offers tailored to the individual donor’s interests and history. This level of personalization increases engagement and response rates. With inline printing and converting for direct mail, the entire printing, personalization, and finishing process happens in a single pass through the production line. This streamlined approach reduces costs by minimizing manual labor and setups compared to offline finishing methods.

Unique Print Enhancements

Techniques like inline perforations allow for easy separation of donation cards, pledge forms, and receipts within the same mailpiece. Slit nesting enables the inclusion of personalized inserts like donation cards matched to the outer envelope’s messaging.

Specialty Printing and Finishing

We have the capability to print on unique substrates like textured or synthetic stocks, as well as apply specialty coatings like UV coating for an upscale look. Die-cutting and folding options create dimensional, eye-catching mailpieces.

High-Speed Inkjet Printing

State-of-the-art inkjet printing technology enables high-quality variable imaging and text at production speeds. This allows for vibrant colors, crisp graphics, and the flexibility to print on a wide range of paper stocks and weights. By using these sophisticated print capabilities, nonprofit fundraising agencies can deliver highly personalized, visually compelling mailpieces that stand out and drive donor action. The enhanced production value improves the donor experience and reinforces the organization’s brand and mission.

examples of multichannel nonprofit direct mail

Programmatic Direct Mail Capabilities: Integrated Direct Mail and Digital Marketing for Fundraising

FSSI Splash also offers robust programmatic direct mail capabilities that empower nonprofit fundraising agencies to streamline operations and deliver highly personalized, data-driven campaigns. Our advanced solutions include:

Automated Campaign Management

Velocity, FSSI Splash’s marketing letter management solution, provides a centralized database to manage all campaign data, content, and customer fields. This allows agencies to easily view, enter, and update information in real-time, ensuring accuracy across multiple organizations, brands, and campaigns. With 24/7 access, agencies can handle higher volumes and launch campaigns quickly.

Compliance and Data Security for Nonprofit Direct Mail

FSSI Splash has experience in securely handling sensitive data like personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI). Our SOC 2 audited and HIPAA-compliant facilities ensure donor data is processed and managed with the highest levels of security and compliance.

Personalized Direct Mail Printing for Nonprofits

Personalization is a key driver of engagement in direct mail campaigns. With our personalized direct mail printing for nonprofits, we use advanced variable data printing to tailor each mailpiece to the recipient. This level of customization, which includes personalized text, images, and offers, significantly increases response rates and donor engagement. Our inline printing and converting for direct mail ensure that personalization is seamless and efficient, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

Multichannel Direct Marketing for Nonprofit Agencies

FSSI Splash’s Amplify solution seamlessly integrates direct mail with digital channels like social media advertising, email marketing, and web tracking. This multichannel approach, powered by marketing automation, extends the reach of campaigns and increases touchpoints with potential donors across their preferred channels. By outsourcing to FSSI Splash, nonprofit fundraising agencies can use cutting-edge programmatic capabilities, simplify complex campaigns, and deliver highly personalized donor experiences that drive engagement and donations.

Your Dependable Direct Mail Printing Partner for Nonprofit Fundraising Success

Canon Truepress commercial printing equipment

By choosing FSSI Splash as your partner, you gain access to a team of experienced marketing and mailing professionals, committed to helping your clients achieve their fundraising goals. We offer comprehensive direct mail printing services for nonprofit agencies, designed to support your efforts from start to finish. Our collaborative approach ensures that we understand your unique needs and objectives, allowing us to deliver tailored solutions that drive results.

Our team of experts will work hand-in-hand with you, capitalizing on our industry knowledge and leading print and mail technology to support your clients’ fundraising efforts. Together, we can empower your clients to achieve exceptional results with their direct mail campaigns, fostering stronger donor relationships, and driving meaningful impact for their causes.

Trust FSSI Splash to manage your agency’s direct mail campaigns, so you can focus on what matters most—helping your clients make a difference in their communities. Contact us at 714.436.3300 today to partner with us and experience the benefits of expert nonprofit direct mail outsourcing, ensuring your fundraising campaigns are successful, impactful, and efficient.